Friday, December 10, 2010

Somalis Bandits/pirates posing fear on the EAC economies:

It is about time East African Community (EAC) countries, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda, to roll-up their sleeves and deal with the great repercussions that Somalia Pirates are bringing; especially in this holiday seasons. It sudden me, as far as I ca remember my child-hood the joy I had during Christmas holiday, and now here we are in the 21st century, Somalia Pirates are holding hostage the holidays of millions of fellow EAC members. We cannot live in fear and allow few to feed in to our fear. Certainly we cannot wait for the west or even far east to come for our rescue because the pain and suffering Somalis brings in the region is far more painful to wait one more holiday, if not a day. To ship something that end of the world is doubled if not tripled in price for the past two or three years. This has tremendous impact in the regional economy. Thanks be to the Tanzanian BOT to point out this because the pain if felt at the heart. I was researching on price to send a container at home, EAC region, the price is unbearable. EAC we ought to be leader, especially to the matters that touches our very souls dearly. We have leaders, powers, motives, will and resources to oust these barbaric bandits and so called pirates. We can put an end to very people that jeopardizes our very existence, now that is leadership at crisis. God Bless Africa and EAC.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Tanzania/Tanganyika, The Pride Of Africa

Eee!!!! Jana ndio huku leo) ndio Uhuru sio. Birthday ya mwana Tanzania sio. Happy Birthday Tanganyika, ndio uzee tena hivyo. Nderemo na vifijo, ila wanasiasa porojo lukuki utendaji hewa kazi kuiba, rushwa na kumkandamiza mwanachi. Tunahitaji viongozi Africa. Hii siasa ya sera chama tawala/viongozi kufanya mapendekezo yao tuu kuwa sheria na mapendekezo ya wataalamu kama hwayataki kuwa kinyime cha sheria, inatupotosha africa na ni lazima tuache kujidangaya maanake ukweli siku zote ni ukweli hata kama ni mchungu kama sifongo sio. Angalia Zimbabwe, 1999 ilikua almost first class African country leo, masikini zaidi ya Congo. Sera za kujilinda na kukataa ukweli na mapendekezo ya wataaluma. Karibu nchi zote za Africa zinapiga hatua tatu mbele na kurudi hatua 6 nyuma. Tunahitaji viongozi. Kiongozi ni mtu anayeweza kubadili mwelekeo, kutumia ujuzi/wajuzi, taaluma/wanataaluma, tekinolijia/wanatekinolojia na mali/wenye mali ili kuboresha ustawi wa jamiii na kuleta maendeleo katika jamii kwa ujumla. Saasa kam hadi leo tuna mgao wa umeme, elimu duni, uzalishaji duni, maji hakuna, barabara hewa, hata tujidangaye vipi maendeleo ni hewa. Maana vitu hivi hivyo ndivyo vyobmo nguzo na misingi mama ya maendeleo. Africa tuanche kujenga Ghorofa kwenye msingi wa matope maana ghorofa litaporomoka. Tuanze kujenga misingi ya magorofa yetu kwnye Zege imara na lenye nondo za kutosha, na maghorofa yetu yatasimama imara na timilifu. Huu ni wosia wangu, Mtanzania/Mwafrica atajikomboa mwenyewe na sio mtu mwingine atakayemkomboa, maanake "wawezamlazimisha punda kwenda mferejini lakini huwezi mlazimisha Punda huyo kunywa maji". Tukumbuke kuwa kuna "utumwa wa nguvu kazi na utumwa wa kimafikara/kisaikolojia". Tusiwe watumwa wa mafikara/kisaikolojia kuwa hatuweze kujikomboa au kuboresha maisha yetu maanake twaze, ila nia na uongozi imara ni duni. WOSIA WANGU KWA SIKU HII YA KUZALIWA KWA TAIFA LA TANZANIA/TANGANYIKA. AFRIKA OYEE!!!! TANZANIA!!!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The East africa in the 2010 Human Development Index report by UNDP:

The East africa in the 2010 Human Development Index report by UNDP:
 Map Of East African Federation, Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Uongozi na Uchaguzi wa Nchi za Africa

CCM au upinzani, Kushindwa kwa kiongozi huyu au yule sio tatizo la Tanzania au Africa katika Uso wa dunia. Tatizo ni umasikini, afya mbaya, uchumi duni, rushwa na hali duni ya kimaisha kwa ujumla. Sasa kama kuna kiongozi mwenye mwelekeo na anasera za kututoa kwenye hali hii duni basi ndie twamtaka. Awe upinzani au chama tawala hiyo sio hoja. Unaona watanzania na waafrica tulivyo na fikara potofu? Tunakimbilia peremende/gololi kama watoto wachanga angali wenzetu wa Ulaya, Marekani, na Asia wanakimbilia lulu, dhahabu na almasi. Tofauti yetu kizazi hiki na kile cha machifu waliouza nchi na bara kwa mkoloni ziko wapi sisi waafrica? Tukumbuke Mwalimu alisema ni bora kuwa masikini wa mali, utapata ujuzi na maarifa ya kujikomboa, kulikoni kuwa na taifa la watu wenye umasikini wa mawazo na maarifa kwani hakuna ukombozi. (Hawa ndio viongozi wetu wa Africa ndio maana tupo tulivyo) kwasababu lolote ufanyalo linaupungufu na kasoro. Je? sisi watanzania na waafrica kwa ujumla tuna upungufu gani? Angalia Brazili, Raisi Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva ameikomboa nchi yake na sio kwa miujiza ila sera za kujenga Taifa. Ulaya na America wana vichwa au ubongo au akili ngapi? Kwanini sisi waafrica hatuwezi kufanya mambo ya kuboresha mazingiza na maadili yetu? Hili ni swali kila mwanajamii anatakiwa kujiuliza na kumwuliza kila kiongozi katika kila ngazi kabla ya kupiga kura kumchagua. na asipotimiza ahadi hizo ndio kuwe na sera za kumwajibisha kiongozi ambaye sio mwadilifu kwenye jamii. Sio lazima kama french revolution lakini, ni lazima kuwa na sera za kuwajibishwa. Maendeleo sio mali alisi tuu, sera nazo zinatakiwa ziambatane na maendeleo yatokanayo na mali halisi, na hii ni katika uongozi wa ngazi zote na idelogy zote. Mungu ibariki Tanzania, Mungu ibariki Africa na watu wake wote ili waweze kutambua kuwa maendeleo ni sera za kuleta maendeleo na sio sera za kushinda uchaguzi; Then what next?. Mungu tuokoe wano, tupo bado kwenye utumwa wa kimafikara. Tupe nguvu za uongozi wa Musa na maarika ya kupambana na adui (Ujinga, umasikini na rushwa) kama Daudi alivyomshida Goliati. Amina

Sunday, October 3, 2010


In the My passion for Tanzania and Frica post I mean to say that "We ought to learn from our opponents, forget-not the Bile say that keep your opponents closer so that you can learn from what they challenge you".

My passion for Tanzania and Africa at large

Tanzania and Africa at large we need true and real leadership. The world is matching forward, while Africa remains stagnant or backward. That is the truth by all measures of all regional block and economic standard. I suggest we start good leadership from family level to the national and continental level. We gotta stop bad traditions that keep us proud but poor. Pride does not build rather creates arrogance of which too many Africans tend to dwell on. Now that is not development. I make mistakes I gotta suck it up, admit and learn from it not maintaining status quo. We need true Leaders and committed. Too often education is used as pride of many African leaders but they forget that the can have degrees from the books but if what they learned cannot be transferred into what they practice and change the community for better they are not educated at all. I wander what do African Leaders learn every year when they come to NY, UN general assembly so that they can implement in their mother countries? It is disturbing, if we still have the sentiments of killing and destroying your opponents. We ought to learn from our opponents forget the Bile say that "keep your opponents closer so that you can learn from what they challenge you". To do so every African can start been a good parent because the nation is the reflection of the families at the national level. That' right, psychologist Ericson said that family is the principle foundation of all major organizations, therefore family is an important institution. Got it, yes your and my family is very important players of the organization, town/village, district, province/state, nation, region, continent and universe/international. Till we can untangle this puzzle we African can’t make it in the true face of the world