"I Like Being Able To Fire People" Gov. Romney
He said that he likes to "fire People”. Then later on,
he is complaining that he cannot help them because the same people he fired
feel that are victims and depends on government. Then, he furthered that these
people, 47% Americans, need to take responsibility of their lives. These are
good Americans of all creeds. They are old paid in Medicare and Social
Security, served in the military to keep us all safe, single parents because
husband either served and now are Veterans without help or difficulty life
circumstances. Not everyone is as lucky as you are Governor, you got it good
and that is a good thing. But, the problem is Gov. Romney wants to become the New President of the
United States of America and he feels this way about the people he is about to lead. Narrative that is shocking, look at the links bellow since 1985 when he was the CEO of Bain Capital. In 1985 Gov. Romney Said Bain Capital Would "Harvest Companies for Profit". http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/1985-romney-bain-harvest-firms-profits-video
Put politics aside, think about someone who has been running
for president for the past 7 years and still we are told that he is good when
we get to know him. Where can we meet and get to know him and for how long? We
can meet him in the Country clubs? That justify him the already cut off 47% of American people because we can’t make it
there. He will be very good president for the top 50% for sure, look at his
policies, cut PEL Grants, Cut Taxes for his fellow country club men, cut
Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid and introduce vouchers system instead.
Governor, remember that we all pay taxes. When we buy things
and service that multimillion corporation’s produces or offer to us we pay out
a lot of taxes. We pay for goods and serves that give entrepreneurs and
inventors/investors millions; we don’t get them for free as you portrayed us to
be. Also we are the most loyal consumers that envy the world because there is
no rich country in the world that don’t want to do business, sell their goods
and services, to American people. Yes we made you Gov. Romney Rich too. If you
were to be not doing business and salvaged the good old American companies, you
could never being rich as he is. It is time for him and his pals to start
recognizing that we are valuable people and he need to snap-out-of that BURBLE
he is living in.
There in one thing to add to this narrative of GOP taxes and
welfare stereotype. If lower incomes are welfare because of Medicaid and Taxes
subsidies, so as the corporations and their owners like Governor Romney are the
corporate welfare vultures too. It goes both ways and no one way. These
corporations get turns of billions from government in the form of subsidies,
Governor Romney and GOP wealth donors are the biggest beneficiary. When they say
cut spending they mean cut off little people we don’t help them in the campaign
donation. Look what is Governor proposing more military spending that will go
to the corporations.
Furthermore, in observing this narrative, when you see a
movement or a group of people voting or agreeing unanimously on more than one
thing or bill, remember of zombies and robots. We see Red China and North Korea
all raises hands, all bow down, all say one thing and so on. But no single one
of them can make an individual decision on these things and stand against the
crowd. Sadly that is the GOP of today, all for good 4 years said "NO"
to anything Obama administration proposed. Even McCain on his own bill he had
proposed ealier, he said no to it simply because this time it came from
President Obama. We were told that he is moderate, what about the Healthcare?
Obama put into it the very things that GOP proposed during President Clinton
era, but still GOP opposed itself. No one is always "wrong",
certainly no one is always "right". But politicians will try to brain
wash us and tell us otherwise, by using their Houdini tactics I guess. Then we
get Mitt Romney who is faking everything; he can’t be himself because he is
already cooked. If he can’t be himself now who told you that he won’t be the
"Manchurian candidate" kind of president?
You don’t mind, could you answer who is Gov. Mitt Romney? Because
Romney changed positions and or flip-flapped on every issue he stood for as
successful businessman and GOP governor of Massachusetts. Start from civil
union, abortion, universal heal care, foreign policy, economy, and you name it.
Only thing one can wonder is why? He want to become president so bad he had to
be born again and become severely conservative, it made him to become someone
who is not. Politics is cause and need authenticity that will help someone to connect
with people. You cannot connect with people if you cannot connect with
yourself. That is the problem with Gov. Romney. In his candidacy, no one will
remember what he stands for because he is not standing for anything and he is
falling for anything. Look at Egypt, Libya abrupt speech, he looked terrible
and petrified doing that press release. It was not him, he was told to pitch in
and look tough on foreign policy. In the
economy all he is saying is Obama is bad on economy, I’m good because I was successful
CEO of Bain (on the other words salvaging steel industries by firing people) so
I can turn around the economy. Even a high school student can through that
political pitch and win. Tell us how and what is your mind about what you want
to do. He is like “no, juts trust me; I’m good in what I do”.
So far we don’t see anything good in what you do as
presidential candidate what make you think that you can make a good president?
Oh, he was successful in Olympics. But that was Mitt Romney of late1990’ and
early 2000’s, he was not “Severely Conservative” and flip-flapped on every
issue. Trust me, if there is Olympics now, they won’t even need you anymore for
the public record we have about you. No substances on any issue it is just instincts.
Compare to Obama record, Romney need to get into substance of his issues and he
will see how people will glue to him as magnet. Stop pondering; tell the American
people what is it you will do different from what Obama is doing. Don’t mention,
just analyze and lead us to the conclusions. Us President Clinton’s analysis
that even a layman can understand. Stick to it and aim it like laser. But don’t
forget, that is also Obama’s strength, he aims at issues like laser until he
nail on them i.e. Osama Bin Laden/AQ terrorist, ending the Iraq Wars, Winning and
ending Afghanistan war, Detroit/GM and Chrysler, Stimulus that rescued wall street,
ObaMny Care that you championed as governor, Wall-Street regulations, Parts of
Dream Act, now recently parts of Job Acts. Good lucky Governor.
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