Wednesday, May 9, 2018

You Are Potential, Believe In Yourself.

I have no copyright to this video titled "I Was Waiting For Another Student." This video is a life-changing self-motivation.

👆🏽Every human being is potential and capable of doing extraordinary things in life. Just believe in yourself, work hard, and smart to build on your God-given potentials. Don't let *fear* of * intimidation,* *discouragement* and *external pressure* to rule your life and forgo your unique potentials.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Olduvai Gorges In Tanzania, Is The Cradle Of Civilization

This picture is obtained from online. Tribute to Britannica-Olduvai Gorge site.

Recently there were ongoing discussions about whereabouts of the first human being. The panel of an array of specialists around the global reviewed the facts and findings from Olduvai Gorge, and counterpart. It is settled. This 2018 scientific research conclusion justifies that the first human being remains were indeed found in Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, East Africa.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

How Ego & Comfort-Zone Affect Adaption To Changes

Motivational Speaker Tim Ferriss: "How Can We Become Comfortable With Discomfort?" BY  NPR TED Radio Hour or YouTube

"We suffer more in imagination [dogma] than in reality". By Lucius Annaeus Seneca. It's Similar to Sigmund Freud's "Slip". That's why change (shuffling the habitual filters) is the most difficult thing to human beings [Unconscious barriers].