Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Chagga People's Mangi Meli Skull Is Missing In Berling Germany

In English: For forty years now the skull of King/Mangi Meli, a Chagga People's King found under the slopes of Mountain Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, is missing. Sadly, its track is lost, and its whereabouts is not known. Mangi Meli's skull was kept in Berlin, Germany. It's search continues, so it can be repatriated back to the King's ancestral land and people of Tanzania, where it belongs.

King/Mangi Meli was killed in 1900 by Germany colonial masters, for defying the oppressive and inhumane Germany Tanzanian (GT) colonial rules and orders, in defense of his Chagga People, land and their freedom. The colonial masters cut-off his head and took it to Berlin, Germany as a show of loyalty to the Germany rulers at a time. Also, the Colonial Powers wanted to set the King/Mangi as an example to all Chagga People not to defy the resolve of the Colonial Powers, and sending a message of fear and uncertainty.

Fellow Chagga People, Tanzanians, and Africans, we should hear more about people like Mangi Meli and his alike. We should inquire for more information about their whereabouts. People like Mangi Meli and many of his likes across the African continent are our heroes. We deserve to know our real experiences and roots of our people.

We need to extend documentation about their freedom fighting ordeals, which too often such stories are washed away or told in the colonial masters' perspectives. We should not deny ourselves and our offspring the rigor of our heritage and intellectual capacity that characterizes our beings through our God-given heritage. Their experiences are ours; they have psychological and biological connections onto us.

An American freedom fighter, once said if one doesn't know and connect to his/her roots or don't know and combine where his/her name is from, it is likely such person may not be well equipped to see where he/she is coming from, standing and going. Our history should be connected to us, as our superiority boost against the inferiority that Colonial Power instilled onto us until today. Also, because our heroes stood up and gave their blood for this history. They defended our history when there was less unity to support them. Their courage was resolute to the last minutes of their breath. For that, in today's unity abilities, ways and means, we owe them and their courage a galvanizing honor of their sacrifice.

The vitality of knowing more about our history is for our being and psych's sake. The knowledge about our history is essential empowerment and psychological development onto us. History gives people a sense of belonging, motivation to know that our history is encouraging, and an influence that they have roots to trace and embrace. Above all, our ancestors are part of us, and their blood is streaming in our beings.

Our ancestors paved the way for us to stand where we are today. We believe that our history will continue to do the same to the coming generations. May God continue to bless us, and our rich history that stood against the true existential fear. May he make the future brighter.

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