Friday, June 19, 2015

Graduate HRM Course: Learning Summary On Health & Safety and Organized Labor, Assignment

Graduate Human Resource Management (HRM) 
HRMT600 –Learning Summary On Health & Safety and Organized Labor Assignment

Valerian B-K. Masao II

Human Resources Management, Spring 2012
Dr. Jill
June 24th, 2012

I this session of week 4 to 6, I learned that  HRM I learn that it is important for HRM to understand that its sole responsibilities is to manage employees relations, employees development, career development and advocating employees’ general wellbeing within the organization, while serving the organization to reach its strategic goals effectively and efficiently because these functions are intertwine in productivity and achieving organizational goals. This responsibility by HRM starts day one after employee(s) is selected for hiring, granted position, by socializing, orienting and training as employee(s) development, the process of helping new employees to adapt their organizations and work responsibilities; and after employee(s) is grated a permanent job offer now HRM can focus on career development by looking at the long-term career effectiveness and success of the employee(s) and the organizational strategic goals (DeCenzo & Robbins, (2010) p. 184 and 211). For example at my organization we do have very intense orientation and filtration due to state and federal compliance regulations that include FBI background investigation/clearance, some can easily get discouraged because cause of the compensation, but those who can manage to get permanent employment, 6 months after orientation, they qualify for $1,000 tuition reimbursement each semester for full time students in the approved fields; this is a very good career development program that can attract experienced and possible high skilled professionals that can benefit the organization. In regards to UPS Community Internship Program (CIP) as on Case 8-B I learned the importance of HRM to consider socialization skills, here UPS used CIP training its managers to socialize with residents in the communities as a way to attain skills of finding out workable solutions to transportation, housing, education and heal care problems that the community member endures, diversifying the management; and lesson here is the successful HRM expectations to CIP training graduates to be able to listen and become empathetic toward employees because now they know what they are enduring (DeCenzo & Robbins, (2010), p. 205-206).

I gained the understanding of the meaning of standardized employee(s) evaluation and usefulness of its feedback toward organization’s strategic goals with ethical issues that can affect performance decisions. As program manager I learn how to conduct performance appraisal avoiding central predisposition, halo error, leniency error, similarity error and low appraiser motivation as outlined by DeCenzo and Robbins, (2010), because they misrepresent the evaluation process and make it unfair and or meaningless (p. 244-245). Accurate appraisal brings good feedback that is important for both the organization and the employee; therefore I learned these errors and not to overstate by being overly passive or understate by being overly negative because the appraisal will be meaning and value less.  As HRM I ought to be competent of EEO laws that require organizations to have biased free-HRM practices that will make performance management systems standardized, objective and job related (DeCenzo and Robbins, 2010, p. 235). For example my organization which its none-exempt employees are unionized, climbs the ladder by reference of their performance appraisals (that we, managers, develop) and by their academic advancement. Thus, performance appraisals that I participate to develop do play major role to their career development through ladder climbing/promotional committee. Also I use employee performance appraisal to address productivity and if I notice deficit I send the employee(s) to the training immediately for compliance meeting the developed job description.

Before this course I thought that the benefits such as pay raise or promotions were only guided by HRM discretion on performance appraisals and per union contracts, for the unionized employees. But it was “aha!” moment for me and now I have a greater understanding that also there are legal issues to be consider when organizations develop compensation, promotion and and a rewards program; because employers must follow some laws in place. Such laws are the Equal Pay Act, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which establish standards requirements for organizations to follow i.e. privacy, record keeping protecting employees, minimum wages, discriminating, overtime pay, and child labor laws.

            In these collective discussions, Ann Feeley’s contribution on monetary and none-monetary compensation left me going like, “wow!” I know, understand and have experienced compensation diversification, but Ann’s caught me off-guard when she wrote this paragraph stating that:
In my career, I have usually made the choice to work in companies and organizations that provided “perks” other than the pay. In the case of working for a major hotel chain and an airline I enjoyed reduced hotel rates and free airfare. The benefits also extended to my partner, children, and even parents in the airline case. After experiencing the hotel discounts early in my career, I made the decision to closely consider fringe benefits when choosing where to work…
This post was literally a vindication to my critical evaluation to my employer in regard to total compensation as I recommend for the organization to reinstate the $25 gas gift card to employees and additional $50 to divisional/program employee who performed well and above as recognition to their input to the organization. This may be a good incentive that will boost morale and avoid the current burn-out. Her compensation choice is the vivid example why organizations develop reward systems based on monetary and none monetary compensation as incentives geared to reward diversified employees with expectations to productivity and organizational goals achievement in an effectively and efficiently ways; thus reward systems can be designed to seek cost effectiveness through employee pay structures that may attract, motivate or retain competent employees, and also seem fair to them at the same time (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2010).
            HRM is to advocate and empowering employees to make decisions within the boundaries of their positions, thus employees must be trained properly on the organizations policies and social skills to become team work players and be able to constructively critique the management and vice versa.  It is an “aha!” moment to me to learn the indication that HRM during employee(s) orientation are to provide employee(s) some sort of knowledge of how he/she should be evaluated on the tasks as per job descriptions. I seek to expand more of an understanding on this unfamiliar task and gain more knowledge about it and its use. I believe that this is a broad approach that is covered in all aspects of HRM, also, evaluation frame-work as an emphasis when developing a position and its job description, rather than a single standing task. Thus DeCenzo & Robbins, (2010), point out that contemporary HRM professionals are important rudiments in the organizational success, hence, organizations requires trained, skillful, knowledgeable, experienced and diversified HRM professional, but not limited to, law, psychology, work design, sociology, accounting and organization development specialties (p. 31).
            Finally, I believe that socializing is the way to become more familiar with peers, coworkers, associates, partners, class/schoolmates, community member and the general population’s ways of life and doing things, culture, thus to become diversified. It is impossible for someone to claim that he/she has graduated in diversification and need not more socializing as a way to understand one’s culture because we humans are all unique to one another. As an HRM professional, I believe that we ought to constantly value socialization as an ongoing theme. It will help us to continuously understand, acknowledge, and become aware of new cultures; also in some organizations, culture, the way they do things, may be uniform and strong, while others fragmented with subcultures (Morgan, 1998, p. 111).    

DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2010).  Fundamentals of human resource management (10th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. P. 31, 184, 205-206, 211, 244-245,
Morgan, G., (1998).  Images of organization:  The executive edition.  San Francisco, CA:  Berrett-Koehler publishers.  ISBN:  1-576750388. p. 111

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