Saturday, January 16, 2016

Blame The Criminals & Yes, Hold Everyone Accountable Fairly, But Dont Mistreat The Police In This Triangulation

Mr. Donald Trump is known for speaking things that raise people's awareness. His style inserts unspoken taboos to the national /international dialog. For good or bad he gets credit for his ability to make people start talking about the issues he raises. Hate him or love him, history will vindicate him on this very issue.
Police, Community Members and Community Leaders are the stakeholders of any given community in maintaining order, safety, and prevention of any disorderly conducts (crimes). Ordinances, the people and the rule of law are what form the "Community Triangulation" as standard order and civilized peoples. Without such triangulation's consensus, everything in the community become toxic and very complex.

It is sickening how a small segment of the population, Media, and Black Leadership is perpetuating that overall "Police Are Bad." The irony is that we Black People need the police than ever and are prone to more police involvement and protection from our own fellow Black Men than any other race.

Dysfunction in the black communities is due to our famous "No Snitching" and alike taboos in our neighborhoods. We narrowly see police as bad guys and fail to look at the bigger picture that we need the police. We need them on our side badly. But we must actively participate in our community to shape and make critical decisions that affect us and fall on the police to enforce such decisions as the rule of law. Police don't operate on the abstract, and we cannot react on the abstract as well.
Sadly as we barrage the police,  we suffer the most from their fear of the aftermath when they try to protect victims of crimes who are blacks. It is an effect that our blindfolded leaders and community refused to see and or admit. But to obsessing on scoring political points on our expenses.

In the end, more and more violence and crimes are pilling up in our communities. Then the bigger picture becomes apparent,  poverty, blame game, and social economics are the product of a vicious cycle of our culture. No wonder we black people are somehow numb of causes of the violence and neglectful habits in our communities. Thus, there is no hope for change in our community neglected for such long time. The only hope left, is to blame the boogieman, in this case, it is easier to blame the Police.

Who is doing the job of a teacher after school hours, a parent during working hours, as social work in case of crisis, a fireman/woman before a fire department arrives, a paramedic before ambulance arrives, a security guard during ambush, a lawyer before going to the court, a therapist before seen a counsellor/psychologist and so on? It is universally expected for police to respond to all the above crises and step up to the place without any fault from all the specific professional duties outlined above. I'm not saying that there are no bad cops. Police should be held accountable to the full extent of the law because no one is above the law. All I'm saying is that we can do better.

We should be able to call the police when we are sick, need help, invaded,  mistreated,  fear for our lives, in the accident, fire e.t.c, and be treated fairly and with human decency. But when we get angry for whatever reason or Al Sharpton/our leaders say, we go out about to blame the entire Police for everything, even for things that we as the community failed to do, we will lose site to the real problem and plausible solutions. Mind you that the Police is only 1/3 of the community triangulation.
Instead, we need to respect ourselves and own our neighborhoods/community. We have to shield our kids from all the negativity and destructive forces lingering in life. We need to value education and civil institutions because they are parts of our success rate. Our community needs to be valued and reflective of our values as part of the greater society. No one will ever do things for me, you, us o our community, but ourselves. Violence and all that is happening to you/us and our neighborhood or community is due to us, and it is passed on naturally since childhood through our ways of doing things daily (culture). To fix our neighborhoods, community and society look no further than the length of your nose. It begins with you/us.

We don't blame our communities for "No Snitching Syndrome" that kill us by our own or blame our parenting skills and correct ourselves or blame our leaders who are even more divisive for just their own political and personal gains in our experience or blame ourselves for letting things to get this bad. Let's do things differently. We have done things the same thing for decades, shake it up and do some changes. Without you/us there are no"leaders." You have freedom and liberty. For all community member becoming strong, independent and influential thinker on all fronts is the best service to our community. Doing things without pressure or feeling tied to something that holds you back is part of freedom that a safer, prosperous and integrated community should offer to every member. Anything less is not acceptable and it is same as community leadership robbing its members their vital rights.

Police are human and family oriented people too. They are not robots or some creatures out there from the space. We are asking them to do way too much. We are asking them to be out there looking out for all of us and yet we blame them for things that we created. Put yourself on their shoes. Both our leaders and communities are directly responsible for what is happening in our communities, but somehow they are easily blaming the police for trying to fix or dealing with the mess.

At least equal blame needs to go around to our leader, the police/law-enforcement and ourselves as community members, as a starting point for the triangulation toward workable solutions to our problems. Otherwise, we can blame the police only for our feel-good Boogieman and situation won't change, rather we will harden the feelings within the community, and things will continue to get worse as police withdraw and distance themselves from us and our communities. Think about it, what would have done? This is very serious, we need to have strategic planning and thinking. We have to find a way to become part of the police department inside our community and working with the police depart on our problems. For our community to join the police force, is even a plausible solution.

Police have feelings, homes, and families they need to go back too. The fact is, if there were no bad guys out there causing harm to innocent people we wouldn't see police as bad, because there could be no reasons for police to address these atrocities in the community. Blame the criminals who have ill intents and do evil things. Note that police put their lives on the line for innocent people against the bad guys. Therefore, rightfully hold responsible the bad apples within the police force without paint a stereotype or generalization that all police are bad and do incite violence.

If police standoff, you may become a victim. Remeber your #2 Amendment right that you don't need to volunteer or act suspicious if you are carrying a licensed concealed weapon or even a shotgun. You will be at the mercy of your fore and intruder with no protection. Remember that our leaders are protected by armed men and women with heavy guns and #2nd is your protection and act responsibly. Instead, think twice! Use this analogy of mice and homeowner strategy. Don't burn a house down because you want to kill a mouse, it is not a good strategy or a workable solution even though it may make you feel good. Such strategy of burning a house down to kill a mouse will put you/us in an awkward and certainly more weaker and vulnerable position than we are already in. Instead, set a mice traps or hire an exterminator.

Common man! We have to admit that not all police are wrong and certainly not all black people or immigrants or persons of color are bad and criminals. It is common sense. Violent and crimes are not part of our gene or DNA as some people in past/history may accepted or portrayed us as such. They are just the aftermaths of some serious miscalculations by ourselves and mostly by our leaders. Go Figure!

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