Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Rocky and Haika

Happy birthday Rocky and Haika. My boy Rocky and my Girl Haika are celebrating their birth days today, so as President Abby Lincoln. What a joy when we are celebrating kids birthday and at the same time the nation is celebrating birthday of the man who worked so hard and tirelessly to preserve the Union of the Republic we all so love and cherish. As father, i think this is blessing and cherish-able moment because it is a good coincident.  All over the news and TV they are showing how President Lincoln was selfless and strives to keep the Union. His unique character and leadership style once again came alive as we remember his birthday and most of all remind us all that now matter how bad we can be told things are, we can pull through because we are unique and resilience. We have see and pass through tough times than this. This was birthday weekend was good venue for family Quality Time and most important teaching kids history and its importance.

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