Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Father's Day To You

Hello all,

Happy Father's day to you all. It feels good to be a father and certainly to be recognized as part of the larger community. Fatherhood comes with great responsibilities as we all aspire to be great fathers. However, there are some who really still dont understand the greatness of fatherhood, and are still stuck in the childish and  or boyish mind-set. If you are that kind of father, please get up and see the world in the bigger and brighter picture because it may be not too late for you to repair the relationship with your child/children and the mother of your kid(s). It never get too late for that-matter, because every one has only one father and mother and that is what matters, especially to a child growing and or teenager who is seeking/claiming his/her identity in the world stage. Make peace with your people today and get one from them today as well. God bless you and you are truly very important figure in your kid(s) life. Understand that, it means a lot to the people you love and to you if you really care. Do some soul searching today and cherish fatherhood life with its greatness. Bring joy to your love one and charge now, because that is all matters,. God Bless You and your love one.

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