Thursday, April 7, 2011

“Come to me like a child”

Life is so weird and unpredictable, though human tend to assume predictions, we always fail. This is due to the fact that God, supernatural mysterious Creator, is the master planner of all the plans under the sun. Look at everything the so called leaders and knows it all touch they messy it up, because they want to be God-Like and treated like God, somehow they know it all, but they are just like any other human being, capable of bad and good and most of all selfish. Remember he , the creator, can see us, know what we are thinking, but cannot stop us deciding what we choose to do because he gave our fore-fathers a promise of free-will that we all inherited through the common sin. If you are Christian or Bible scholar you remember the story of Adam and Eve and what lead them to get kicked out of the Garden of Eden by God; free-will and Eva was lured by snake/devil and convinced Adam to follow her lead-committing the sin.
Now, devil do exist, we all agree to that. But I bet you we differ to which way devil come into our lives and to how we pretend to know how devil come into our way, between a man and God. It is very simple even a child knows it, but when we grow and as we tend to use our rationally the more we mess-it up and attract devil and or not be able to use our child-hood skills in love and trust in God, tools that are important to detect and predict evil traps. Remember, Jesus said that God is pleased by children and we are all to go to God as children? That’s is the trick right there, stop using your rational mind and humble yourself to God with humility; that’s all. When you use your rational mind, and you haven’t humble yourself like a child, believe and accept God teaching, then you have no protection from devil, and devil will lure you in so many ways; and no mankind can detect these devils traps. It is so simple, if you lay-down your life to God and trust him like the way the child trust his or her parents devil traps are no brainier. Have you seen the way a child distrust stranger? Or sense things? Likewise, we can do these things, but we tend to interfere this natural process by inducing common sense and common sense without faith and trust in God is not always common sense. How many of you planned things and more than half a time don’t happen as you planned? And many of you are professionals and experts, then why your professional and expertise don’t produce good results at the first place? Because you were lied to believe that you are an expert, and forgot that that there is a master expert and plan it all, God. They say practice makes it perfect, then why certain, many, things no matter how mankind practices, still can not do these things?   It is because we human are created weak, and we lack the spirit and guidance of God/trinity. 
I have simple things that are so difficult for mankind, rational person, to untangle; these are biblical. For example, if one don’t love your children, siblings and or your parents because of deep-seated hatred or evil rooted reasons, certainly such person(s) do not love you a bit. Because for sure no one who loves you from the bottom of his/her heart can dislike the very people who are product of you, procreates you and share very close blood line with you. If you see such a person in your life, stop using rational mind, seek guidance from God because your rational mind can be polarize by pretense of devil, and only God can rescue you from evil traps. Your children, parents and siblings have a very unique and God given bond that is beyond mankind imagination. It is biblical, that your parents are to be respected and love, so if one don’t do that, surely she or he is not your friend and don’t seek goodness to you, your parents, siblings and surely your children. It is simple like that. The world says that a friend of enemy is an enemy and an enemy of enemy is a friend, and vise versa.

Devil come to us but cannot get into us without us accepting him. One accepting devil varies because devil use our weakness to trap us. For example, devil used a snake to lure on Eve and because Adam was strong against devil and weak on Eve he fell through the very simple devil trap. Devil penetrates human mind, rational and life upon our own, human, acceptance of such penetration.  Now the controversial thing here is how to detect the acts of devil manipulation in our life? Many, human, can fall on the very devil trap while trying to untangle such trap, and normally is by using rational that is illustrated in the expert and professionalism. While it is so simple, but to trust in God and follow his commandments just like an obedient child to father is proven more difficult in the mankind. A simple thing like that don’t need expert or professional to untangle, only follow God and obey him as he ordered us to. So submit to him and seek for his guidance because mankind is misleading and has been proven to be used by devil’s traps. Don’t trust men; rather seek God guidance because he is an ultimatum. Thank you all and be blessed.

Finally, God loved us and sent his only begotten son-Jesus-Emmanuel. Guess what?  We killed him by crucified him on the cross through the road/way to Calvary. But before he was publicly condemned to death, through our denial and quick fix decisions, he said that he was the "truth". The "TRUTH" he said then and today is still cumbersome thing for a human to untangle; and that is what makes some to do evil onto others in many ways because make no mistakes evil-do-exist.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It is not too late to start fatherhood life

It's time we all pitch in raising the children for the betterment of the future generation, our community and society at large. Too many dead-bit dads and drive-by dads in the streets while single moms raising their children without men. Now what kind of men will this turmoil produce? Men act and do things like boys or men who sit aside and let women run the show? Because welfare is taking the role of the absent fathers financially; video-games is replacing the moral and emotional charge; while TVs are taking the role model and role models. My grandma use to say, "If your parents won’t teach you, the world will teach you for sue", and that is exactly what is happening today. Fellas, it is not too late, but as father, be there, play with them, talk to them, assure them that everything will be alright, and be the one they can run to because they have to run to someone and somewhere.  It better be you than the devils hanging in the streets that can consume your child/children and may be come and eat you alive. It is time to cut it loose and not be subject to the statistics, let us open a new chapter.  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Individuality, integrity and execeptionalism as peoples

Please read this article and feel it with me. How sad man-kind can get? This magnitude of idiocy is sad and beyond recognition of may. What is problem with us Africans? Our life is miserable enough, adding this kind of mentality is like putting a gasoline on the burning read thing:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hero Of Fatherhood Life And Mentoring Young Boys & Men, Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey Introducing The Lord Jesus is a way never before:

The man that many boys and young men calls him an inspirational father-figure because of his grass root works to the communities that so many boys and young men are raised by single moms. I always say that it takes a man to raise a man and a woman to raise a woman; it means that wearing pants and have deep voice alone and itself doesn't make one a man. A man has to adhere to manly duties, hardworking, decisefull-ness, respect to others, leader/head of the family, be a truly father figure, go to work without complain, be a good citizen, and a believer in the most high powers. It saddens me to hear current student and work force figure of men is way outnumbered by females. What is happening here? Are today's men no more bread-winner and leaders? Because women are now leading, supporting the family and attending college while men sit behind. I guess men got trapped plying video games and milking the situation. That's sad.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

When is Africa and African gonna get up from the dark-life!!!!!!!!

Africa, The Mother-Land All Humanity

I do always wander when is Africa and African going to get up from the dark-life? When are we going stop electing leaders who don't fit and represent our values and aspirations? When are we going to fear no dark powers because they are all illusion and cant harm human who do not believe and practice them, except for believer only? When does the so called educated in Africa going to get educated and act like educated fellows? When  is Africa going to get true leaders who can lead the continent's countries from the dark side to the light side? When is Africa going to improve its life conditions that meets basic human needs by use proven scientific measures and not use its old phased out dark magical powers? When is Africa going to truly believe that God does exist and will always exist and not their stupid magical, witchcraft, traditions and darkness beliefs and traditions that literally ruins life of so many? When that day will come and see my African brothers and sisters rise up and denounce the darken and wicked traditions and beliefs?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Today’s Sunday Service:

In the Sunday service today the pastor remarketed the old says that are very important in our life. These remarkable say are the path to integrate us with God and build such relationship stronger until our journey here on the earth is over.  These say are such as “you can choose your friends or associates but you can never choose your relative or neighbors”. Other say were like, “honesty to one self is honest to God”; and “we are created resembling face and example of God”. If it is so, then we ought not to hate one another because that does not please God because we can not hate our neighbors and pretend we love and pray him for mercy. These are very powerful and touchy words. I therefore see the need to share them with you because they can make a difference in among us if we let the work of Holly Spirit lead us on this worldly journey. God bless you and your love one.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Magic of Children Growth

The magic of children growth is one big aspects of connection and bonding of parents, both mother and father, to the child’s life long. It is amazing the way a child grows. It is like miracle. Their body learns to maneuver things and their mind adjusts day by day. That is the beauty of fatherhood or fatherhood. I can see very tangible changes of my children day by day. It is there. I remember seen my son trying to maneuver his hands for the first time/day he was able to reach a bottle of milk from my hand and able to hold it by himself. It was like miracles. He was like 3moths if I’m not mistake. I could see the trials he made to reach and maneuver the bottler.  The best part is when he tries to form words and short sentences. It was cute because I use to correct my daughter only once and next thing she is saying the word correctly. Children, from birth to teenage, their brains are like magnet.
Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, PhD, Michigan State University on the Development of the brain from 25 days to 9 months: (

Friday, March 11, 2011

R.I.P. Novati L. Shangarai Masao

Today, at this time, I would like to join my family/relatives, friends and neighbors mourning the sudden passing of my beloved cousin and brother in Jesus, Novati L. Shangarai Masao. Your passing has shocked all of us and has made us grow in the understanding of fate, faith and destiny; they are very cumbersome for human mind to untangle unless by faith, but we will have to face them as we are all on the same direction. The message that "Life is a giant high way on which we are travelers passing through the earth" is so vivid as of this moment.

My self, as caring father, I cannot even imagine what is going through my Uncle Ludovic Shangarai Masao right now. Let alone, as a parent, I cannot predict how this sudden passing of a young man Novati, is taking toll on my Aunt Agnes L Shangarai Masao (Mbuya) as mother of the deceased. Only the parent, the mother or father, of the deceased can tell. But, of course we all pitch in to assist and comfort the immediate family while going through these tough times. In this regard, I would like to extend a gentle hand and comfort to the family with passion, and my condolences, whatever that is needed and the most of all in my thoughts and prayers to make his passing a life-long legacy.

Novati, is the cousin that i spent almost my childhood life playing and growing with. He was only four years younger than me. We grew and played together. We had a specific code among few relatives that we grew up in the same age group; "Masao Tondo" or "Masao T." Only us knows what that means and what does it represent. As we lost one of our own in the name of the "Masao T." code phrase, I would like to represent the "Masao T."'s code group to say goodbye and farewell to our beloved brother, one of our own and the true "Masao T." We will truly miss you my brother. We cherish every childhood memory that we encountered. We will miss your love, smiles and kindness. You showed us that we don't have to confront the adversaries, rather persuade them; you lived your life acquiring knowledge on how to make the world a better place to live; and you in deed lived a very peaceful life. This is your legacy my brother. I never stop loving you, for you were an intellectual and caring person. When we got mad you made us smile with you, at the end we ended up smiling and forget what made us mad. This is what you wanted us to remember all along, and I promise you that we shalt keep your memory alive.

Lastly, for us left behind we ought to remember that life is too short, and we ought to enjoy and cherish every moment because destiny and fate are just around the corner. I believe that the most High has place Novati's soul in the better place and that is eternal peace. Novati Ludovic Shangarai Masao, we will be missing you bro. As true "Masao T."'s we will definitely keep the solidarity and love that you have shown to the "Masao T." family. My condolence to Mama Novati, Baba Novati, John a.k.a. Dogoo!! and Humphrey. Although, we are far apart, we are closer in thoughts. We deeply share the great loss of our beloved brother and Cousin Novati Ludovic Shangarai Masao. May Almighty God Rest his soul in  the eternal peace. R.I.P. NOVATI.

By Pendo Masao, Hope Masao, Valerian B-K. III, Malaika Masao and "Masao T." Family

Friday, March 4, 2011

I Love New York

I Love New York

Lady Liberty Statue, New York  
Oh yeah, NY is the place to be. I know many of you will be saying, What? But trust me NY is the place to be. Dont get it twisted, winter up here is bad but not as bad as some other places in the country. I also love Florida, the west,  the mid-west and down south but not as much as I Love NY, at least for the time being though. I better embrace the place I call home because it gives me all the life line support that i need to survive with my family. I have no complains rather love. I know that weather here in NY was not made for me, and that is indeed the down side of NY, also some other small stuffs that one can get over them if give a chance to look at theme in the bigger picture.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Somalis Bandits/pirates posing fear on the EAC economies:

It is about time East African Community (EAC) countries, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda, to roll-up their sleeves and deal with the great repercussions that Somalia Pirates are bringing; especially in this holiday seasons. It sudden me, as far as I ca remember my child-hood the joy I had during Christmas holiday, and now here we are in the 21st century, Somalia Pirates are holding hostage the holidays of millions of fellow EAC members. We cannot live in fear and allow few to feed in to our fear. Certainly we cannot wait for the west or even far east to come for our rescue because the pain and suffering Somalis brings in the region is far more painful to wait one more holiday, if not a day. To ship something that end of the world is doubled if not tripled in price for the past two or three years. This has tremendous impact in the regional economy. Thanks be to the Tanzanian BOT to point out this because the pain if felt at the heart. I was researching on price to send a container at home, EAC region, the price is unbearable. EAC we ought to be leader, especially to the matters that touches our very souls dearly. We have leaders, powers, motives, will and resources to oust these barbaric bandits and so called pirates. We can put an end to very people that jeopardizes our very existence, now that is leadership at crisis. God Bless Africa and EAC.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Tanzania/Tanganyika, The Pride Of Africa

Eee!!!! Jana ndio huku leo) ndio Uhuru sio. Birthday ya mwana Tanzania sio. Happy Birthday Tanganyika, ndio uzee tena hivyo. Nderemo na vifijo, ila wanasiasa porojo lukuki utendaji hewa kazi kuiba, rushwa na kumkandamiza mwanachi. Tunahitaji viongozi Africa. Hii siasa ya sera chama tawala/viongozi kufanya mapendekezo yao tuu kuwa sheria na mapendekezo ya wataalamu kama hwayataki kuwa kinyime cha sheria, inatupotosha africa na ni lazima tuache kujidangaya maanake ukweli siku zote ni ukweli hata kama ni mchungu kama sifongo sio. Angalia Zimbabwe, 1999 ilikua almost first class African country leo, masikini zaidi ya Congo. Sera za kujilinda na kukataa ukweli na mapendekezo ya wataaluma. Karibu nchi zote za Africa zinapiga hatua tatu mbele na kurudi hatua 6 nyuma. Tunahitaji viongozi. Kiongozi ni mtu anayeweza kubadili mwelekeo, kutumia ujuzi/wajuzi, taaluma/wanataaluma, tekinolijia/wanatekinolojia na mali/wenye mali ili kuboresha ustawi wa jamiii na kuleta maendeleo katika jamii kwa ujumla. Saasa kam hadi leo tuna mgao wa umeme, elimu duni, uzalishaji duni, maji hakuna, barabara hewa, hata tujidangaye vipi maendeleo ni hewa. Maana vitu hivi hivyo ndivyo vyobmo nguzo na misingi mama ya maendeleo. Africa tuanche kujenga Ghorofa kwenye msingi wa matope maana ghorofa litaporomoka. Tuanze kujenga misingi ya magorofa yetu kwnye Zege imara na lenye nondo za kutosha, na maghorofa yetu yatasimama imara na timilifu. Huu ni wosia wangu, Mtanzania/Mwafrica atajikomboa mwenyewe na sio mtu mwingine atakayemkomboa, maanake "wawezamlazimisha punda kwenda mferejini lakini huwezi mlazimisha Punda huyo kunywa maji". Tukumbuke kuwa kuna "utumwa wa nguvu kazi na utumwa wa kimafikara/kisaikolojia". Tusiwe watumwa wa mafikara/kisaikolojia kuwa hatuweze kujikomboa au kuboresha maisha yetu maanake twaze, ila nia na uongozi imara ni duni. WOSIA WANGU KWA SIKU HII YA KUZALIWA KWA TAIFA LA TANZANIA/TANGANYIKA. AFRIKA OYEE!!!! TANZANIA!!!!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The East africa in the 2010 Human Development Index report by UNDP:

The East africa in the 2010 Human Development Index report by UNDP:
 Map Of East African Federation, Tanzania, Kenya & Uganda

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Uongozi na Uchaguzi wa Nchi za Africa

CCM au upinzani, Kushindwa kwa kiongozi huyu au yule sio tatizo la Tanzania au Africa katika Uso wa dunia. Tatizo ni umasikini, afya mbaya, uchumi duni, rushwa na hali duni ya kimaisha kwa ujumla. Sasa kama kuna kiongozi mwenye mwelekeo na anasera za kututoa kwenye hali hii duni basi ndie twamtaka. Awe upinzani au chama tawala hiyo sio hoja. Unaona watanzania na waafrica tulivyo na fikara potofu? Tunakimbilia peremende/gololi kama watoto wachanga angali wenzetu wa Ulaya, Marekani, na Asia wanakimbilia lulu, dhahabu na almasi. Tofauti yetu kizazi hiki na kile cha machifu waliouza nchi na bara kwa mkoloni ziko wapi sisi waafrica? Tukumbuke Mwalimu alisema ni bora kuwa masikini wa mali, utapata ujuzi na maarifa ya kujikomboa, kulikoni kuwa na taifa la watu wenye umasikini wa mawazo na maarifa kwani hakuna ukombozi. (Hawa ndio viongozi wetu wa Africa ndio maana tupo tulivyo) kwasababu lolote ufanyalo linaupungufu na kasoro. Je? sisi watanzania na waafrica kwa ujumla tuna upungufu gani? Angalia Brazili, Raisi Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva ameikomboa nchi yake na sio kwa miujiza ila sera za kujenga Taifa. Ulaya na America wana vichwa au ubongo au akili ngapi? Kwanini sisi waafrica hatuwezi kufanya mambo ya kuboresha mazingiza na maadili yetu? Hili ni swali kila mwanajamii anatakiwa kujiuliza na kumwuliza kila kiongozi katika kila ngazi kabla ya kupiga kura kumchagua. na asipotimiza ahadi hizo ndio kuwe na sera za kumwajibisha kiongozi ambaye sio mwadilifu kwenye jamii. Sio lazima kama french revolution lakini, ni lazima kuwa na sera za kuwajibishwa. Maendeleo sio mali alisi tuu, sera nazo zinatakiwa ziambatane na maendeleo yatokanayo na mali halisi, na hii ni katika uongozi wa ngazi zote na idelogy zote. Mungu ibariki Tanzania, Mungu ibariki Africa na watu wake wote ili waweze kutambua kuwa maendeleo ni sera za kuleta maendeleo na sio sera za kushinda uchaguzi; Then what next?. Mungu tuokoe wano, tupo bado kwenye utumwa wa kimafikara. Tupe nguvu za uongozi wa Musa na maarika ya kupambana na adui (Ujinga, umasikini na rushwa) kama Daudi alivyomshida Goliati. Amina

Sunday, October 3, 2010


In the My passion for Tanzania and Frica post I mean to say that "We ought to learn from our opponents, forget-not the Bile say that keep your opponents closer so that you can learn from what they challenge you".

My passion for Tanzania and Africa at large

Tanzania and Africa at large we need true and real leadership. The world is matching forward, while Africa remains stagnant or backward. That is the truth by all measures of all regional block and economic standard. I suggest we start good leadership from family level to the national and continental level. We gotta stop bad traditions that keep us proud but poor. Pride does not build rather creates arrogance of which too many Africans tend to dwell on. Now that is not development. I make mistakes I gotta suck it up, admit and learn from it not maintaining status quo. We need true Leaders and committed. Too often education is used as pride of many African leaders but they forget that the can have degrees from the books but if what they learned cannot be transferred into what they practice and change the community for better they are not educated at all. I wander what do African Leaders learn every year when they come to NY, UN general assembly so that they can implement in their mother countries? It is disturbing, if we still have the sentiments of killing and destroying your opponents. We ought to learn from our opponents forget the Bile say that "keep your opponents closer so that you can learn from what they challenge you". To do so every African can start been a good parent because the nation is the reflection of the families at the national level. That' right, psychologist Ericson said that family is the principle foundation of all major organizations, therefore family is an important institution. Got it, yes your and my family is very important players of the organization, town/village, district, province/state, nation, region, continent and universe/international. Till we can untangle this puzzle we African can’t make it in the true face of the world