Friday, August 17, 2012

FW: Overt Discrimination in Ohio

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Overt Discrimination in Ohio

Published: August 14, 2012 
If you live in Butler or Warren counties in the Republican-leaning suburbs of Cincinnati, you can vote for president beginning in October by going to a polling place in the evening or on weekends. Republican officials in those counties want to make it convenient for their residents to vote early and avoid long lines on Election Day.
But, if you live in Cincinnati, you’re out of luck. Republicans on the county election board are planning to end early voting in the city promptly at 5 p.m., and ban it completely on weekends, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer. The convenience, in other words, will not be extended to the city’s working people. 

The Independent Lens On 2012 General Elections: Are Governor Romney's Tax Rate & Tax Returns An Insult To American People?

On the Tax Rates: Governor Mitt Romney produced only one year of Tax return. We know he paid taxes at required tax level as per Bush-Tax-Cuts Act/Law. What is puzzling is the rate Mr. Romney and his fellows pays in taxes and vow to strive to serve them more tax-cuts as soon as he wins the election. They will throw everything on the kitchen sink because they really don’t want to go back to President Clinton-era of prosperity for all by paying taxes equally by percentage as per income. I understand that this world is fair by all means, but with the current economy and unbalanced systemic advantages to rich getting richer and poor are getting poorer; it exceptionally not fair to favor the rich to pay low percentage over the poor or middle class who are paying higher percentage. The loop-holes Governor Romney and his fellows uses, Capital Gain Tax-Rates, are as bad as not paying taxes. How could anyone think of creating jobs by cutting PELL grants, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and Cut Taxes to the millionaires at the same time? With my glimpse of economics I don’t get it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gun Control? How About Self Control?

This issue is the mankind self-destruction by the self-fulfilling prophesy. I happened to believe different than most people, may be. It is interesting when we see shooting everyone gets out and blame the gun but not the person behind the gun and pulled the trigger. These gun shooting stories that are intending to tell us all that guns are killing people. They are as strange as the people who commit these killings either by guns or by whatever they find it necessary to execute their killing plans. Here is my taking on this, many of analysis and logical independent thinkers will support this. Why is the gun not in the courts and or in the jails with the people who are sentenced of murder or massacre? It is logic to me that it obvious, to all the gun control peoples, that the guns have shown and proven to have the complete control of the situation and fired themselves and premeditated the murders miraculously. The irony of the obsessed gun control people is that the person behind the gun was just holding it and had nothing to do with it, its action or consequences. But my logic is that a person behind the gun has premeditated or intended to go pick up the gun, aim at the target and pull the trigger that killed person/peoples.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Rep: Paul Ryan Is The Governor Romney’s VP Choice: The Austerity Cuts Politics

Today, the Massachusetts’s Governor Mitt Romney and the GOP Presidential nominee has selected Congressman Pau Ryan of Wisconsin and Chairman of Congressional Budgeting Committee to be his Vice President and running mate in the November 6th 2012 general elections. Paul Ryan has been the shining star of the Tea-Party and conservative movement, which has mixed of many things but not the politics of growth spending and tax increase for even a cent. Movements are not monogamy, but are often driven by common cause with ideology; one can characterize Tea-Party as such. Congratulations Congressman Paul Ryan.

Austerity Cuts Politics Are Painful With Little Growth, Won’t Benefit Majority:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Independent Mind On 2012 General Election Issues

Taxation: If you don’t want to pay tax or you think American government is too big for you why not leave for Somalia where there is no tax or government on your back? I have not seen these so called business people who hate Obama moving their business to Somalia yet. Also the businesses in Romney's counter ad on this issue, the one in New Hampshire received about $88,000 of stimulus money. Did any individual person received any single cash sent? We have been in this road of tax cut on the rich for long. The positions on policies indicate that bankers and outsources are for super profit and Romney is their pick candidate; they will spend their billions in this election and many to come, but they won’t be able to buy our votes as individuals.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Life Is A Dream

Happy Sunday Every One.

As believer and follower of Christ, life is indeed a dream. It depends on how one wants life to be. One can make life fantastic or miserable. It depends on what one is aspiring to be and do. In life, as dream, some are just dreams, some are dreams and worked upon, fruitful dreams. We call that a dream that became true and those dont materialize we call them just "day dreams". Life and or a dream are metaphors. Smart people untangle them and analyze them well. Their path in life are well defined and understood by many. They can be be our hero, legends, iconic, and role models. They were given same talents as us. They just got theirs right analyzing the metaphors.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obama Is A S.O.G.

All I know is Romney is schizophrenic because he stands for nothing, mandate that he introduced in Massachusetts, now he is running away from it, the Bain capital now he is running away from it too, foreign policy of not stressing on Killing OBL and Al-Qaida now he is running away from it, and the Afgan Surge that too he is running away from it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

R.I.P. Mother Delores M. Henry

R.I.P. Mother Delores M. Henry today is your 3rd year anniversary since you passed. We will always cherish the moments we were blessed to spend with you and got to know you very well. 

Personally, you were like a mother to me, and I always try to be like a son to you because you were a mother figure to me. You welcomed me in your home without any doubts in your mind. I will always cherish your kindness. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day To all Fathers: The Enlightenment Of Fatherhood:

Today, the world is celebrating Fathers’ day. Fatherhood is the sacred gift given from God with great responsibility to nurture and raise kids to become responsible members of the community and the society. Fatherhood is the quintessential role that has huge stake on how society ought to be. Collectively, fatherhood, likewise motherhood, through parenting we make up the families, communities and the society in generations. Therefore, fatherhood as the role model in parenting should be celebrated every second, minute, hour, day, week, month and year that we raise and empower children. This role is not only to be assumed today by the materialistic gifts and moments as we commemorate the “Fathers’ Day”, rather to be cherished in each second when we make multiple tough and decisions on parenting. We need to grasp the reality that each and every decision we make as parents, small and big, do have negative or positive outcome to our children today or tomorrow. This is the fact that too often get ignored in the decision making process of parenting and many will wander why thing and or life to our teenagers and children are playing out contrary to the parents’ wishes.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

R.I.P. Baba, Valerian B-K. Masao Sr.

Today, May 29th 2012, it has been four full Years without your presence since you passed and departed the world. You are missed a lot. We wish you could be here curdling with Mama, the III and all your grand-kids, children and family as a whole. Your last Will that to "Get Educated, Be Informed and Be Wise" is well respected, appreciated and given the greatest emphasis. This "Great Will", as I call it, is well rooted from many books of the Bile, including the Proverbs. As we are approaching the Father’s Day, we are reliving the memories of you as the Father to us children and to many family members and many in the community that you fathered as Mwalimu and active member of the community/society that you dearly served. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day to my mother, wife and all mothers of the world. Job well done for being such good mothers and back bone of our families, communities and the society at large. Your presence has been the shield and rock that keep us all going without fear and worries to the obstacles of the world. May God give you all wisdom to strengthen motherhood and its importance in the children's lives, and prepare them well to become productive members of the community/society.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reflection on Cultural Competency: Identify the major cultural and economic groups in your target community or focal area.

            My targeted community, East Utica, major culture groups are divided in race chronologically, such as white, African American or African or Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American or West Indian, and least Arabs. On the economic groups are based on various categories, such as race and social life such as level of education. For example in, my neighborhood, whites are majority by race and their economic level is affluent, followed by Asian and Arabs, compare to the African American, Hispanic and Native American. In my neighborhood, economic status tends to be better from individual to individual based on the level of education, the more one is educated the better of economically is; in this case, Asians then Africans are better of by ratio.

Case Studies Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and Palliative Care; Legal and Ethical Issues In The Healthcare: Critically Ill and Dying

 After reading chapter 11 in the Tong book, answer the Case Study questions for the four case studies at the end of the chapter, pp. 285-288. Post your answers here. Connect your answers to the readings.

Case Study #1
Q. a
            On Mr. Najiri’s case, physician may have raised a serving no usefulness purpose of medication to Mr. Najiri’s condition that justifies discontinuation of artificial means of life support due to Shiite Muslims belief. However, the physician justified his/her position that Mr. Najiri’s brain dead means no life, and no medical treatment is possible according to main stream American values when he/she said that “in the United States brain death is death” {Tong, 2007 p.286}.  Regardless of Shiite Muslim faith, since Mr. Najiri is in America and physician has pronounce his brain dead and further ruling out that since Mr. Najiri’s brain is dead “the hospital will no longer continue to support his cardiac functions artificially”. {Tong, 2007 p.186}. Because professionally physicians are trusted by American community to evaluate and treat patients and that only a physician can pronounce death, on Mr. Najiri’s case the family members would have to abide by physician’s decisions or transfer him to another hospital outside of America for further treatment that can fulfill their faith and belief of death.

Legal and Ethical Issues In The Healthcare: Case Study The Professional Patient Relationship

On question a I believe that the medical staff met their obligation of diagnosing Lincoln’s sickness, which was “severe anemia due to hemorrhaging” by Tong 2007, and were able to explain the care plan procedure and its importance, his physician recommended blood transfusion immediately before his lost his consciousness. (Tong, R. 2007p.58)

I understand that faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses does not allow them to agree to blood transfusions for themselves or their children. Because they believe that blood transfusion is the same as eating blood and is prohibited by the Holly Bible. ( However, as physician I would have go ahead and transfuse blood on Lincoln, because the ethical responsibilities of healthcare staff is to serve life’s within their capabilities as such powers are vested to them upon licensure. As a healthcare staff on the scene of such incident, Lincoln was willing for blood transfusion after the merit of such practice were explained to him by his medical staffs. He was competent enough to understand and he showed signs of acceptance of treatment. Therefore transfusion to Lincoln is of his best interest and not otherwise. (Tong, R. 2007p.58)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tanzanian Salad (Swahili Kachumbari)

Tanzanian Salad (Swahili Kachumbari)

This is Tanzanian -Swahili side dish -salad recipe from Fatherhood Life Blog. It is simple, easy to make and healthy side dish that fathers can make to cheer up family meal. I guarantee you that kids and guests will always remember this kind of dish, or side as you may call it. It goes well with chicken/beef sauce  with rice, Pilau/Swahili-Tanzanian spice dirt rice, Ugali-Tanzanian main food made from maize stiff porridge like (Fufu as West African calls it), and Machalari- Moshi Kilimanjaro Chagga people main dish made of Banana and beef.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Relationship Between Facts and Theories

A fact that I selected as something that happened when I was growing up is puberty. Puberty is a process that takes place to all human beings during teenage years. According to Feldman 2008, puberty is the period during which the sexual organ of teenagers matures. Feldman said that “puberty begins when the pituitary gland in the brain signals other glands in child’s body to begin producing the sex hormones, androgen (male hormones) or estrogens (female hormones), at adult levels”. Normally, girls start the puberty stage approximately at age 11 or 12 and boys start somewhere between age 13 and 14.  (Feldman 2008, p.373-4) On the other hand, we can say that puberty is a stage after childhood and before adulthood. Also, puberty is about mental and physical changes that takes place in a teenagers’ body. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Rocky and Haika

Happy birthday Rocky and Haika. My boy Rocky and my Girl Haika are celebrating their birth days today, so as President Abby Lincoln. What a joy when we are celebrating kids birthday and at the same time the nation is celebrating birthday of the man who worked so hard and tirelessly to preserve the Union of the Republic we all so love and cherish. As father, i think this is blessing and cherish-able moment because it is a good coincident.  All over the news and TV they are showing how President Lincoln was selfless and strives to keep the Union. His unique character and leadership style once again came alive as we remember his birthday and most of all remind us all that now matter how bad we can be told things are, we can pull through because we are unique and resilience. We have see and pass through tough times than this. This was birthday weekend was good venue for family Quality Time and most important teaching kids history and its importance.

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Dad Shoots Daughter's Laptop After Facebook Post” My Dude Right Here

This is the kind of father we need around this time. This era and generation is so hooked-up and dependent on the video games and gadgets. This dude reminds me of what my parents told me when I was a teenager that "to grow up, do what is the best, expect to take total responsibility of my life and pave my way to prosperity and no hand-outs, but the sky is the limit; or choose to wait and not listen to them as they were the only true love I had and face the world cruelty, wolf-like so called friends and associates to chew me up and spit me out like nothing". 

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I have a question? Who said that you are Christian? Yes I’m asking the reader? You call yourself Christian and that's all that really matters? Isn’t that so? I never heard of anyone going around asking for affidavit of support from anyone just proving that he or she is Christian or a member of any other religion for that matter.  For Christians, remember, in the Bible not all who shouts Christ's name and go to church every Sunday are true Christians, but you must believe in the trinity; and have faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain( Matthew 17:20). Don’t be like Thomas who did not believe his fellow disciples that Jesus came to them to reassure and reaffirm Christianity that he won the death and crucifixions. Based on Thomas story and him seek to see and touch Jesus’ wounds so that he can prove and believe that is true him, the holy Bible tells us that Jesus came back while the disciples were barricaded in hiding while doors and windows locked fearing of prosecutions, and he asked Thomas to prove his point and added that “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:26-29).

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Super Bowl XLVI (2012)

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl XLVI (2012) New York Giants are facing New England Patriots in Indianapolis, Indiana. How fun, them Super Bowl parties are going to be? We gonna blast them. We can’t wait to see who is going to emerge as the winner. Emotions are high and exited at the same time. But also, them commercials are going to kill it. You better be prepared because they will rock your world. Laughing is fun and healthy because it releases stress. Also laughing is the ultimate happiness. It is inspirational for children seen grown-ups gather together, laughing and become playful. Make this Super Bowl stress free and healthy.

My Imaginary Africa: The Motherland For All

The poverty of Tanzanians and Africans in general is not the poverty of Money and or materials; it is the poverty of heart, knowledge, information, psychology of successful life and deficit of leadership in general. Africans cannot be proud if the houses, cars, furnishing and all bunch of materialistic things we have seen in the so called African leaders and their crony investors and pep-crooks who aim one thing and one thing only to keep Africa as it is in order to leave the corrupting gateway that benefit African leaders and the multi-national corporations. We have seen these mansions, luxurious cars and materialistic things from these people; it could be better for Africans and African pride, if and big if they were built, manufactured and promoted by materials from Tanzania and or Africa. But I guarantee you that less than 1% of the materials and man power (physical and mental) used to make these flying fancy materialistic things came from Tanzania and or Africa combined. The rest came from Asia (Arab world and China).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

IS THIS AN INSULT TO THE AFRICAN INTELLECTUAL? (The must read truth about Africa and diasporas; the raw-truth and mind facts about bugling Africa, the Motherland.)

My input: On March 20th 2011, in this blog, I wrote and posted this article, “When is Africa and African gonna get up from the dark-life!!!!”. I always say, African problems are brought by Africans themselves, just like the Western prosperity is brought about by the Westerners. The notion that Africans won’t change the way they do business and things will somehow change by nature or by the miracle of God, is crazy and insane. Ben Franklin, an American founding father, said that to do same thing over and over with expectation of different results is insanity. In this case for Africans who think that things will somehow change by miracle of God they are projecting insanity. Thus, if Africans don’t like the environment (situations) they are into they would have changed it long time ago and or will need to wake up and do things differently for better good. 

For example, Zimbabwe has changed, although not for good but for worse and what they aspire, blaming the White people for their down-fall. They turned their economic prosperity gained from Farming, manufacturing and mining into the total chaos. It is because that Zimbabwean did not like the economic prosperity and stability they enjoyed from farming, manufacturing and mining that was well managed by White people. Now they are daring to blame others/West for their own brutal acts against humanity and voodoo development policies. Just like many other Africans, soon after their independence, they chose their loving path that they are into up to today and still blaming the West for their poor economy and living conditions.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day;

Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day is a national Federal Holiday that is observed to remember the greatest asset of American Civil Rights Movement accomplishment of the 1960s, of which MLK was the iconic and brave leader who paid the ultimate-highest price of the movement by his assassination on April 4th 1968 at age 39. MLK day was passed by the United States Congress and signed into a law by President Ronald Reagan on November 2nd 1983 and first MLK day was observed on January 20th 1986; 1992 President George H. Bush decreed the holiday to be observed on every third Monday of the moth of January of each year, which is near the date and month of his birthday (January 15, 1929(1929-01-15)); whereby, by January 17th of 2000 all fifty states in the union officially enacted MLK Day as their official State Holiday and it was celebrated national-wide for the first time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Correlation of Faith, Fate and Freewill

Faith is the confident belief and trust in something or someone. As Christians, I have faith and trust in God and Trinity (God Father, Son and Holy Spirit); I also have faith in my family and friends and associates that I trust and believe in. I strongly believe that faith and trust in God is the most sentimental and sacred value that someone bares and are very personable. It is personalized because we human beings tend to build our unique connections to things that we believe (God) based on our culture, environment, social-economic, and life exposure as whole. For Christian believers, we are closer to God and we have contracts with God believing in Life-After-Death, by living up to God’s code of conducts, ethics, standard of merits and guiding principles-Ten Commandments that were given to Moses as it is written in the Holy Bible.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life and War-Fare Psychology:

Stare at the picture/image above. Then ask yourself how how many things do you envision on this single image? If it is more than one then why? Can somebody else see the same images that you seen? Confusing, right?
Life is the complex thing that human being endures. Life span brings unpredictability, uncertainty and miracles; things that are beyond human recognition, imagination and explanation. For example, human life in and itself, conception process, life before birth-if there is any, and life after death, as we assume there is one. These are things that human beings are struggling to understand, finding a tangible truth and rational proof with scientific backing.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Management Information System- Research Paper Draft: How Information Systems (IS) As Form Of Information Technology (IT) Transformed The Role Of Human Resource Department At Vanderheyden Hall:


i.                          cover page
ii.                        Abstract
iii.                      Introduction
iv.                      The role of IS for HR Department function within Vanderheyden Hall Inc; How            IS has affected processes for HR Department functional perspective
v.                        The benefits of IS for the HR Department functional users (Vanderheyden Hall Inc. operational level); and Use of the data at all levels of Vanderheyden Hall    Inc. (knowledge, management, strategic);
vi.                      What are the biggest impacts, both positive and negative, for the Vanderheyden             Hall Inc. HR Department functional perspective? Conclusion
vii.                    IT/IS Infrastructure, Business Intelligence, Database and Information System     Management
viii.                  Impact of the costs, budget cuts and the economy
ix.                      My recommendations
x.                        Conclusion
This research paper is focusing on, “How Information Systems as Form of Information Technology Transformed the Role Of Human Resources At Vanderheyden Hall Inc.”. HR is made up of individuals who are the workforce of the agency, and HR Department is the union between employees and the agency management. However, the HR department functions within Vanderheyden Hall Inc. is accountable for the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of all employees, the agency’s daily activities while transcribing and enforcing the agency’s policies that are rooted from the mission statement and vision of Vanderheyden Hall Inc. There, is where we find a massive involvement of the Information Technology (IT) Department that is solemnly accountable to monitor and put in place Information Systems (IS) that collects data, facilitates and makes HR Department jobs easy, effective and efficient.  At Vanderheyden HR Department, collaborating with the IT Department has improved the success of using middle management. Vanderheyden Hall, as the Community and Human Services/Healthcare, Not-For-Profit agency, has been successful transforming itself into effective and efficient departments by using Information Systems (IS), which are well managed by its investment in the Information Technologies (IT) that are monitored by its IT Department working closely with the Human Resources Department insuring the desired out comes. However, like many other businesses in America, Vanderheyden is suffering the loss of man-to-man (face-to-face) contacts and its benefits that can also be beneficial and has proven so in the past. The critique is to balance and be professional.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Is President Obama Dividing the Country?

I have to ask this question. Is Obama dividing the country, as Rush, Hanity' Levin, all GOP primary runners and right wing asserting? What about Santorum as he was pleasing his constituency articulating that government subsidies are only for blacks welfare? Is that unity? Really? In Iowa, the only recipient of welfare or government money, as he asserted in his recent speech, are only black people? By the way I did not see a black person he was referring to as welfare recipients and government free money recipients in his audience or any of his audience in the cocae-state of Iowa. May be I’m color blind, unlike Rick Santorum who speaks of color in articulating his speech. I consider that Read Meat to the majority of his constancy. It is sad but race in the American politics is always the elephant in the room and you can see people working hard trying to wipe out history and ignore the fact that whenever there is race, history always haunts us all. That is why it is always important to do not generalize people because that is what is always known as “stereotyping” and it is bad for whatever circumstances lead up to it

United State Is Shipping Gasoline/Petroleum/Oil Overseas:

It is eye catching to learn that United States is shipping Gasoline, Diesel and Jet Fuel overseas for years now. As we all have been told by leaders and experts that United States is addicted to oil and we consume too much oil of the world. Some went even further and accused our leaders that we go to the war in the Middle East and North Africa because of oils, conspiracy theories, that United States is fighting wars to secure oil. But with this new eye catching reporting, now United States is Selling Oil to other nations. How can it be possible, comparing these wild accusations of United States relationship with OPEC?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Human Service Management: Reflection on Learning - written assignment

List of three things that I learned about implementing a management information system in human services agencies.

I have learned that in order to implement a management information system in human services agencies one has to recognize systems as outlined by Rapp and Poertner (1992, page 97-100), that information system is divided into three types, each one with different purposes. For example House keeping systems, as automatic basic routine processing information that are used to increase efficiency and accuracy such as payrolls and paying supplies. My organization conduct automated information for Medicare/Medicaid of individuals and instant recorded criminal and traffic violations of employees from authorities, for consumers’ safety. On the other hand Decision Support Systems are best evidence-based practices, results of program evaluation, other demographic and assessed needs.  (Lewis, Lewis, Packard 2007 page 195) . Decision Support Systems have no much role in the human service organization as Performance Guidance Systems have.

Human Services Management: Designing an Evaluation Plan - written assignment

I chose Upstate Cerebral Palsy (UCP), is the premier provider of direct-care services and programs for individuals who are physically, developmentally, or mentally challenged and their families. UCP currently employs over 1,900 full and part-time employees at 74 locations throughout central New York. Is the direct-care and education centers, that includes medical, clinical and therapeutic personnel, teachers, social service staff, maintenance, clerical and general support staff. The organization provide care and support to more than 14,000 children and adults, also benefits from the services and support of hundreds of community volunteers; and is one of the largest employers in the central New York region. Its centers also provide educational opportunities for students from area high schools, as well as partners with several colleges and universities in hosting clinical and major-related student internships. (

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, 2012, To You All

Happy New Year, 2012, To You All

Today, January 1st 2012, the world is celebrating New Year and many have, once more, making the New Year resolutions, goals and objectives. All I can say is that thanks be to Lord God  the creator of the universe and all in it. We have been selected to make it to 2012, many of our loved ones, friends, neighbors, colleges and associates couldn’t make it for many reasons that sometimes are beyond our understanding; that is destiny. For that I give thanks and Glory to Lord God and I’m thankful for all including wisdom to understand that his majesty that crated a soul and mind that give us wisdom is of most high and has purpose to each and everyone that has soul and mind. In this sense we get wisdom and free will to choose right from wrong.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas To You All

Today, December 25th 2011 everyone is celebrating a holiday and for Christians we are celebrating the berth of our Lord Jesus Christ, "Christmas". It is also the last week of the year, welcoming  a New Year with new goals, objectives, vision and ambitions. In the spirit of faith and trust in the Lord Messiah we all wish that the coming year to be of more prosperity and success that can fill our spirits and certainly our physical needs here under the earth as we are passing through this earth, journey to paradise where we believe to live eternal life. 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Problems And Solutions Of Health Care In The United States Of America

Problems And Solutions Of Health Care In The United States Of America
Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Services - Module 08 Final Research Paper

Student Name:
Desdery J. Masao
Date of Presentation:

 The healthcare system in America is a mess; although the medical needs of the very poor are covered adequately by Medicaid, Medicare and SCHIP vast middle class Americans do not have access to the affordable healthcare. About 46 million uninsured Americans (majority are middle class), have no health insurance at all. (  The current economic recession has worsened the healthcare problem. Millions of people who are suddenly unemployed and underemployed have lost their employer-based insurance or are simply not able to afford the premiums and other out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. I will  take position in this paper that healthcare in America should be considered a basic human right; that we can learn from the healthcare experiences and systems in other countries, such as Switzerland and the new Obama Administration seems to be headed in the right direction, but needs to do more. This paper identifies five problems of current healthcare and offers eleven specific proposals that will do much to revive our ailing healthcare system and make America great.

Problem of Health Care In The United States Of America:

Legal and Ethical Issues In The Healthcare: Case Study The Professional Patient Relationship

Module 7 Case Study -Written assignment 

On question a I believe that the medical staff met their obligation of diagnosing Lincoln’s sickness, which was “severe anemia due to hemorrhaging” by Tong 2007, and were able to explain the care plan procedure and its importance, his physician recommended blood transfusion immediately before his lost his consciousness. (Tong, R. 2007p.58)

Legal and Ethical Issues In The Healthcare: Critically Ill and Dying

Module 04 Case Studies Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and Palliative Care

After reading chapter 11 in the Tong book, answer the Case Study questions for the four case studies at the end of the chapter, pp. 285-288. Post your answers here. Connect your answers to the readings.

Case Study #1
Q. a
            On Mr. Najiri’s case, physician may have raised a serving no usefulness purpose of medication to Mr. Najiri’s condition that justifies discontinuation of artificial means of life support due to Shiite Muslims belief. However, the physician justified his/her position that Mr. Najiri’s brain dead means no life, and no medical treatment is possible according to main stream American values when he/she said that “in the United States brain death is death” {Tong, 2007 p.286}.  Regardless of Shiite Muslim faith, since Mr. Najiri is in America and physician has pronounce his brain dead and further ruling out that since Mr. Najiri’s brain is dead “the hospital will no longer continue to support his cardiac functions artificially”. {Tong, 2007 p.186}. Because professionally physicians are trusted by American community to evaluate and treat patients and that only a physician can pronounce death, on Mr. Najiri’s case the family members would have to abide by physician’s decisions or transfer him to another hospital outside of America for further treatment that can fulfill their faith and belief of death.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nursing Home Administration: Forecasting, Planning and Organizing

Case Study #2,

Case study #2 raised a very interesting and ambiguous question for many of us to answer with certainty that the directions of rapid occurring change in the healthcare industry is predictable or can be beneficial to owners, staffs and patients. Considering what the U.S. Congress’s Office of technology has warned that the rate of development is too fast for proper monitoring of the effects and threats that the foundations of the most secure American businesses might be in danger. In this case, Nursing Home facilities are the backbone of the American healthcare businesses and its foundation is facing uncertainty as technology is expanding yearly.  For example, according to Allen, J. E. (2008) reveled that in the 1980s nursing home nurses were well thought-out to be working at lower technology intensity compare to hospital nurses. That is somehow still the truth today. Nurses in the nursing home are still struggling to catch up with toys changing hi-technology something that is increasingly challenging the nursing home and healthcare industry in general. (Allen, 2008 p.14)

Museum Studies- Art History -Andrew Warhola (Andy Warhol) Biography

Andrew Warhola is among the most famous people on the earth. During my research I discovered that his fan and general public more frequently identified him as Andy Warhol. I could not believe my eyes when I searched his name in the internet, so many sites popped-up about him, all filled with his fun comments and gratitude on his contribution to the American culture, art-work/fact, civil-rights movements, social-justice, and personal identity as openly gay. According to The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Inc, Andy Warhol was born August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He died on February 22, 1987 at age 58, in New York City, New York.  The record from his foundation indicates that he was admitted at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1945. The institute is now known as Carnegie Mellon University. His Big Electric Chair, Campbell-noodle soup, coca-cola can and articulation of using celebrities as idles in his art-work has made me and minds of many to admit that he is among the leading figure in the visual art movement in American History; and not only in the pop art. (,)

Community Health - My Local Public Health Agency, Oneida County Health Department


My local public health agency is county based, under Oneida County Health Department (OCHD). Daniel W. Gilmore, Ph.D. is the Director of Environmental Health Supervisor-in-Charge of OCHD. The aim of Oneida County Health Department is to promote and protect the health of Oneida County; both county’s citizens and visitors. The OCHD director is responsible for initiating, planning, coordinating and directing the programmatic and budgetary management of all public health programs.  As McKenzie, 2008 page 50 indicates, OCHD falls in the approximation of 2,86 LHDs (Local Health Departments) in US; and that OCHD like many other LHDs it provide health services to the people and many of these services are mandated by state laws, which also set standards for health and safety. {McKenzie, 2008 p.50}

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy 50th Anniversary Tanzania (Tanganyika)

Today, December 9th 2011, Tanzanian are celebrating the independence of Tanzania. This is 50th Jubilee/Anniversary of Tanzania independence from the Great Britain that took over as Mandate Colony to over see the welfare of Tanzania (then Tanganyika), which was colony of German East Africa, after Germany was defeated on WW II.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How To Analyze Business Structure and Stockholders' Equity Before Investing In A Company?

Business Well Being When Investing:

Business well-being is different for each company depending on the goals, objectives and vision. In general it incorporates a holistic approach focusing on multiple dimensions that reflects quality of products and or services, customer satisfaction, enough revenue, fewer liabilities, increasing profitability and appreciating stock market/dividends. Business well being is judged by using these dimensions to demonstrate the relationship between each while such business must actively strive to improve itself within each dimension to sustain the market competition. Whereas, capital structure is how business finances its overall daily operations and growth by using multiple sources of funds. Source of funds that facilitate capital structure of business is the mixture of business’s preferred equity, long term debt, common equity and short term debt.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Services: The Nancy Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health Case Study

 Survey of USA Legal System- Analysis Of A Legal Decision Module 01 Written Assignment Week Three

Nancy Cruzan, resident of Missouri state was involved in a severe car accident on January 11, 1983. While lying in the hospital she was at vegetate state due to severe brain damage caused by accident.  She lived as a being without recognition, thinking, or feeling. She could not swallow or eat; rather she had a feeding tube inserted in her stomach for food and water. Also she was incontinent and had to wear diapers. According to Barton (1991), Nancy did not respond to stimuli or recognize her family, and diagnostic tests, such as electroencephalograms (EEGs) detected no brain waves due to her persistent vegetative state since January of 1983. {Barton, 1991 #3} 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Human Services Management: Application of Theories

Open systems theory is an important component of modern management that recognizes and allows interactions with one another to allow change. I learn from the text, Lewis, Lewis, Packard 207, chapter 4 p.78, that Open system theorist recognizes rationality within organization is limited by internal factors and external factors. Internal factors can be organization members’ characteristics, and external factors can be changes in the supply of available people and materials.

The Independent Mind:

The Independent Mind Diagram
This is a must Watch Video Clip. If you don’t see and agree with this truth you really have to question what do you stand for and what are you looking from any politician on the earth. We may not like or agree to this video clip but you lived to see and witness these acts as truth that a politician did in these viciously divisive time in the politics in the modern era. The truth is the truth is the truth and we know it regardless of our ideology, faith and culture as a whole. History will always be that Obama passed healthcare that many presidents failed to pass for their political reasons; he killed Osama and numerous high ranking terrorists and dismantled Al-Qaida networks; he is the first Black president of  the USA surpassing many racial obstacles and prove that America is for all;  he appointed the first woman (of minority) in the US Supreme court; he is facing the great block opposition unanimously from GOP since his inaugural to present, 4 years, even for the very things that GOP-themselves supports; he supported the innocent powerless peoples of North Africa and Middle East to attain the freedom they never had for 4+ decade (Just like President Bush did in Africa and Afghanistan and Iraq) and the dictators are ousted; he inherited the worse economic turmoil times of our generation (although he could have done better and there are things we fundamentally disagree upon); and he is governing at the time that the US Congress is partisan than ever during economic hardship and the housing market is worse in our time.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Human Services Management: The Nature of Management

Sep 2008 - Assignment #1

I would like to express my views to people who argue that managerial functions are the same; and no matter what the field, they all function the same. (B2) First, “Management in business and human services organization activity means the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals” (B1).  These people believe that a person who is a good manager in the business field will also be a good manager in the human services field. In the human services field, management is highly challenging because the factors that differentiate nonprofit organization from profit making companies are the same that makes management difficult. (B2)

Human Services Management: Organizational Leadership

Human service organizations are programs that deal with the personal and social development of individuals, families, communities and society at large. For example, human service programs are run by management and conduct direct services such as training, education, therapy, counseling and or casework.  However, human service organization/management works indirectly social action, through consultation, referral, community development, advocacy, and or information dissemination. (Lewis, Lewis, Packard 2007, page 6) 

Human Services Management Course: Dealing With Unproductive Employees

My situation is when I use to work overnight at my facility one of my core worker use to come and mop the floors and go lay down until morning. I use to work as an AMAP- a person who passes meds, in charge of the shift and overall general welfare of the 12 individuals in the facility. In this instance some behavioral individuals will be getting up, he won’t come until when I call or yell for help. Sometimes it took him sometimes because he puts TV volume up in the living room where he lays down. I reported him twice to the overnight manager but nothing happened to him so I did not bother, because all documentations of overnight shift were mostly documented by me so I was straight.

Human Services Management Course: Communication Conflict In The Workplace

Describe a situation in which you had a conflict with a subordinate or supervisor

At the facility I work with, I was surprised overhearing a new coordinator as a facility management representative to the organization insisting that her process of cleaning the house she will not hire/promoting in-staff members  to the managers’ position; rather she will promote or hire facility’s managers from outside of the organization or different division staffs. I believe that this model will create bad perceptions not only to me personally, but also to any staff-member from my facility. Since she took management in the facility late last year, she hired two managers, one from different setting division, another one new recruit, they did not last more than three months because of nature of setting of my facility and individuals. Normally, before the new coordinator, managers’ position use to be by promoting floor staff members to the manager’s position. It gave the managers’ a sense of awareness of individuals, staffs, and well experienced the responsibilities and duties of the staff members. In the new system, managers found themselves working with total strangers, in strange settings, and strange individuals, and they would burn out very quick. Also some staff members were reluctant to support these new managers, something that made their job very difficult and stressful. For example, “Honest disagreements emerge because well-intentioned staffs feel strongly about fundamental directions”. (Brody, R. (2005), page 369)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bravoo, President Bush Visiting Tanzania Again.

As seating US president, president Bush with Massai while visiting Tanzania 2008

Today, former President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush announced through his Facebook page that he will be traveling to Tanzania, East Africa for world AIDS day. Here is what his Facebook page says “President and Mrs. Bush will be in Tanzania for World AIDS Day tomorrow. President Bush and President Kikwete will speak at ONE & (RED)'s World AIDS Day event via satellite. You can watch it live at 10:00 am Eastern here:” (!/georgewbush)